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You're viewing Metal Gear Solid 4 : Guns Of The Patriots Cheat Codes

Game Name : Metal Gear Solid 4 : Guns Of The Patriots
System : Playstation 3
Date Added : 2008-06-26 18:53:11
Views : 24240

Big Boss Extreme difficulty
Complete the single-player mode once (and saving the cleared data).

New combat vests
Clear the single-player game once.

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding weapon.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
BandannaComplete a single-player session without killing anyone (including bosses). You can do this on any difficulty
Desert Eagle, Long BarrelEarn the Fox emblem on a single-player session
Digital CameraIn the Nomad vehicle during the mission intermission; you can unlock a special photo by picking up this item in stage 4 instead of earlier
Patriot Future Assault WeaponEarn the Big Boss emblem on a single-player session
Race (Ricochet) GunClear the single-player game once
Scanning Plug SLog more than 10 hours of Metal Gear Online play time on the same profile as your Metal Gear 4 game. You purchase this from Drebin
Solar GunCollect the five statues (those of the four Battle Beauties and the Frog Soldier/Haven Troopers in stage 1) using non-lethal means on their respective idols
Stealth ItemComplete a single-player session without instigating a single alert (caution is okay, but not alert). You can do this on any difficulty
Thor 45-70Earn the Fox Hound emblem on a single-player session
World War I PistolEarn the Hound emblem on a single-player session

Face paint
Different face paint unlocked for in game use.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Big Boss'sEarn the Big Boss emblem on a single-player session
Crying WolfDefeat the Battle Beauty (human form) Crying Wolf by non-lethal means.
DrebinPurchase and keep more than 60 different weapons.
FaceCamoDefeat the Battle Beauty Laughing Octopus (the overall battle, no specifics involved).
Laughing OctopusDefeat the Battle Beauty (human form) Laughing Octopus by non-lethal means.
OtaconShock Dr. Emmerich using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.
Raging RavenDefeat the Battle Beauty (human form) Raging Raven by non-lethal means.
Raiden Mask AShock Sunny using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.
Raiden Mask BShock Dr. Naomi Hunter using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.
Roy CampbellShock Colonel Campbell using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.
Screaming MantisDefeat the Battle Beauty (human form) Screaming Mantis by non-lethal means.

Multi-player mode: Remove frosty breath
When playing in stages where your breath frosts, have Snake play dead while prone. His frosty breath will no longer be seen by others.

Otacon's extra passwords
Put these in instead of the code Otacon tells you to at Shadow Moses. You will get the Access Denied scene but afterwards you will get the bonus.
1289320% off on store
78925 or 13462iPod song

Complete the indicate task to unlock the corresponding costume.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
AltairObtain the Assassin emblem
Civilian DisguiseStart Eastern Europe level
Middle East Militia DisguiseMiddle East in the Militia Safe House
South American Rebel DisguiseSouth America (Cove Valley Village)
SuitClear the game once

No More Camo
Shake the Sixaxis controller to return Snake's Octocamo to its neutral (black and blue) pigmentation.

iPod Tunes
Snake's iPod can download specific tunes throughout the course of the game. Some songs have an additional "secret" effect when it is played in the game.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Beyond the Bounds (increases stun damage done by Snake from non-lethal weapons)Stage 4 Shadow Moses, Tank Hangar. After power is restored, backtrack to the upper catwalk and explore all rooms
Big Boss (increase stun damage and increases Snake's accuracy when played)Earn the Big Boss emblem
Bio-hazard (cause soldiers held by Snake to scream in terror)Stage 3 Europe, Midtown
Destiny's Call (cause soldiers held by Snake to go enraged)A random gift from a militia or rebel soldier if Snake gives them a healing item
Flowing Destiny (cause soldiers held by Snake to weep like a little girl)Stage 4 Shadow Moses, Canyon. Before leaving the canyon area, examine the rocky walls for a hole hiding this item
Fury, The (cause soldiers held by Snake to go enraged)Stage 2 South America, Cove Valley Village. Inside the fire ravaged house
MGS 4 Love Theme / Action (cause soldiers held by Snake to weep like a little girl)A random gift from a militia or rebel soldier if Snake gives them a healing item
Opening - Old L.A. 2040 (increase Snake's accuracy)Stage 4 Shadow Moses, Nuclear Warhead Storage B2. Input 78925 into Otacon's lab computer
Policenaughts Ending (cause soldiers held by Snake to fall asleep on touch)Stage 4 Shadow Moses, Nuclear Warhead Storage B2. Input 13462 into Otacon's lab computer
Rock Me (increases Snake's amount of life recovered from items and other means)Stage 2 South America, Confinement Facility. Island in the south-eastern quadrant
Sailor (increases Snake's amount of life recovered from items and other means)Stage 2 South America, Vista Mansion. Between the east wall and a cargo container
Show Time (cause soldiers held by Snake to scream in terror)A random gift from a militia or rebel soldier if Snake gives them a healing item
Snake Eater (increase the life recovery rate of Snake through items and other actions)Unlocked by earning all 40 game clear emblems
Subsistence (increase Snake's accuracy)Play at least one game of Metal Gear Online. You must start the match with at least two players

Extras Screen Passwords
These passwords are entered at the Extras screen under Password after beating the game once on any difficulty.
thomasUnlocks "Desperate Chase" iPod Song
georgeUnlocks "Gekko" iPod Song
theodoreUnlocks "Midnight Shadow" iPod Song
abrahamUnlocks "Mobs Alive" iPod Song

Shoot from inside a dumpster
There are dumpsters throughout the game which you can use to hide. Move in front of them and press Triangle when the prompt appears. Once inside, if you have a handgun, for example The Operator, you can hold L1 to lift up the lid of the dumpster and aim your gun from inside.

You carry over your Drebin points, weapons, ammunition, items, and special items from a previous game upon game clear. However, Snake will need to encounter Metal Gear II in the first stage to get his stuff back.

Be sure to save your cleared data upon game completion to track your items. Load the cleared data to reap your benefits.

Control intermission sequences
During an intermission sequence, press D-pad Up to zoom the camera in then use the Right Analog-stick to pan the camera around. The harder you press Up, the more zoomed in the camera view. Also, some intermission sequences have prompts to see it through Snake's eyes by holding L1 (look for the icon at the top left of the screen); or view flashback images by repeatedly tapping X when a prompt appears (look for the icon at the top right of the screen). You can also pause an intermission sequence by pressing Start.

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